Author Archives: Marie

So it’s time for ‘big kid’ bed and to upgrade the room

kid bedroom

Setting up a big kid’s room for your child

Buying a ‘big kids bed’ is an exciting transitional moment for you and your child. As your child grows, they’ll almost certainly want their bedroom to reflect the fact that they are a ‘big kid’ now.

As part of this transformation, you’ll need to update the bed and mattress from the cot to a kid-size bed that will last for years to come.

Whether you make this the time for a total redecoration, or just update the bed, involving your child in the process will give them a sense of ownership of their ‘new’ bedroom.

Here are some things to consider when you make the transition:

Keep it simple

Choosing classic pieces that will be suitable for your child as they grow up means that the investment you make now will last for many years. Complicated styling can date quickly! Timber or monochrome furniture can provide a neutral background as your child’s tastes change over time.

Decorating with wall stickers, framed posters and patterned linen is a practical way to reflect your child’s personality and allows you to change the look and feel of the room easily and often as they grow up.

Start with the essentials

Try to avoid buying too much furniture at first, you can always add more items later on. Consider the essential items such as a table, drawers and the bed.

Later on, as your child matures you can add more items such as a desk for homework and a bookshelf.

Think about functionality

While adults see the bedroom simply as a place to sleep, for a kid, the bedroom is also a place to play. Your child’s bedroom should be a functional space where they can grow, learn and rest.

Allow enough space for play rather than creating clutter with too many items. Kids love to change things around, so keep this in mind and where you can select pieces that are versatile and functional.

Involve your child

When you make your child a part of the process, you encourage them to take ownership of their space. Bring them along when you purchase the new furniture and storage solutions.

Including your child in the process of re-designing their bedroom can help to encourage your child to take initiative to use the storage spaces and keep the room tidy.

If the bed frame you select needs assembling, get your child to help! Transitioning from a cot to a big kids bed can be easier if your child feels they’ve are part of the process.

Consider the space

Most kids love bunk beds, which are an ideal way to save space when children are sharing a room. A bunk bed can be the centre of imaginative games, and as your child grows older a bunk bed provides a fun option for sleepovers with friends.

A bunk bed should have guard rails for safety. Look for a style that can be uncoupled into twin beds when your child reaches the teenage years.

Trundle beds are another fantastic option for saving space, discretely storing the spare under the child’s bed. A trundle bed doesn’t have to remain at floor level, a pop-up trundle bed means the second sleeper can rest at the height of a regular bed.

Selecting the mattress

When shopping for the bed and mattress, let your child ‘test’ mattresses to find the right one. Remember that a firm mattress won’t necessarily last longer than a softer one. The most important thing is that the mattress provides the best support as your child grows.

A good kids mattress will last for years, and should be comfortable right from the first night. When you purchase the mattress remember to add a mattress protector to make it last!

Safety first

Now that your child can get out of bed more easily, it’s important to think about safety. Ensure that power points are covered and that items in the room are secure.

Create a bedtime routine

Moving to a big kids bed is a big change for you and your child! You can mark the occasion with a new Bedtime routine that establishes evening as a time to rest and wind down. Your child’s bedtime routine might involve putting away toys before getting into pyjamas.

Reading a bedtime story on the new bed can help your child to feel comfortable. Having some familiar items like a favourite toy or blanket on the new bed can also help to ease the transition.

Saying ‘goodnight’ with a special bedtime routine can help the big new bed seem less intimidating.

Take your big kid to try out their brand new kids mattress at one of our 4 Chiropedic bedding showroom locations.

Which pillow is right for me?


One of the biggest controversies in the sleep industry is definitely the kind of pillow you are sleeping on. Everyone seems to have the ‘best’ pillow and whatever you are sleeping on, is just not good enough. But, what we often don’t realise, is that everyone is different, and everyone sleeps in a different way. This is the biggest thing to consider when you are making the decision to buy a new pillow. Forget what your neighbour or mother told you about what is right for “you”, and go out and try as many different shapes and feels of pillows that you can. Remember, you’re the one that is going to be sleeping on it, so your comfort should be the only thing to consider. There are currently a wide range of materials used in pillows which can make the decision process hard, but here is a brief explanation on a few of the most important things to consider.


Most pillows can be designed in two different shapes – the classic and the contour. The classic shape is the everyday pillow you can flip and rotate as many times as you like. The contour pillow is designed to never be flipped and is shaped to especially support side sleepers. Both shapes will support you as you sleep, but the option is there for comfort purposes



These pillows are made of premium density Visco Elastic Memory Foam, designed for those who sleep on their back, front and side. This great material has the ability to mould to your head shape within minutes so all you need to do is, lie down and let the pillow work for you.


Gel infused memory foam pillows are designed with a cooling gel layer to assist those wanting a cooler night’s sleep. Gel is known to be quite a great cooling agent within the sleep industry.


Natural Latex pillows are great for most individual needs. They are hypoallergenic and anti-microbial which is great for those who suffer from asthma or allergies. The material can be used to be high or low pillows to suit those who are particular about the height of their pillows.


The Bamboo material has become increasingly popular over the past few years as it is a well-known material that has many breathing qualities that are favoured by many in the market. When combined with memory foam, it can feel quite plush and soft. So there we have it, a few general points that should be taken into consideration when the expiration date on your pillow is arriving.

How often should you replace your mattress?

blue bedroom

Here’s a good rule of thumb: if you’re having trouble sleeping, or waking up with aches—it’s time to look into replacing your mattress.

Your bedtime sleeping companion (we’re still talking about the mattress here), is one of the most significant factors when it comes to a good night of rest. We’re all aware of the benefits and the importance of sleep. And given that your mattress is the only piece of furniture you’re spending hours every day using, it’s a worthwhile investment to replace.

If you’re looking to replace your mattress and are wondering how often a replacement is needed, we’ve listed some key considerations below.

As one of Australia’s leading mattress manufacturers and direct to consumer retailers, Chiropedic Mattresses, have been proudly supplying Australian-made mattresses to customers for over two decades.

How often you actually need to change your mattress

As frustrating as it is, there is no clear answer on the timeline for replacing your mattress and pillows. But, as a ballpark figure, ten years is a reasonable amount of time to be considering if your mattress needs replacing.

  • Pillows usually come with a replacement date on the inside, which is a good rule of thumb to go on. Mattresses can be a little bit more complicated to figure out.
  • A budget mattress will usually last somewhere around the 5-year mark, whereas a premium mattress which you’ve invested in can last anywhere up to 20 years—a fair difference.
  • Foam mattresses are more likely to sag than spring mattresses, especially if your mattress has been produced with cheap quality, lighter density foam.

Signs you may need a new mattress


Aside from an old mattress losing its support and causing you pain or a poor night’s sleep, mould and dust mites can collect on pillows and mattresses after a long period of time.

However, this doesn’t have any immediate health risks, for the most part.

  • A good rule of thumb is that if you can see visible mould, it’s time to replace your mattress or any accessories and pillows, especially if you have asthma or a weakened immune system.
  • If you have asthma or allergies that are noticeably worse around bedtime or in your bedroom, it’s also worth looking into the lifespan of your mattress, as dust mites can trigger health issues for some people with asthma or eczema.
  • Itchy eyes, running noses or rashes are common symptoms which could indicate that you’re due for a mattress or pillow replacement.

Why choose Chiropedic Mattresses?

All Chiropedic Mattresses are made from top-quality, Australian-sourced materials from leading Australian suppliers such as Dunlop Foams and Bekaert Deslee Textiles.

It means that every time you purchase from us, you know that you’re buying a long-lasting mattress that is top quality, comfortable and supportive.

Because all of our mattresses and bases are sold directly to the public, we can pass savings onto consumers, making our prices up 70% cheaper than the big retailers without compromising quality.

To prove it, all of our Australian made mattresses come with a 20-year quality guarantee warranty. Now that’s confidence.

Other great options in

Care notes


Keeping your mattress and pillows dry, and free from moisture will prevent any mould from forming on your bed. Human sweat and daily sleeping patterns won’t cause mould to form.

Using pillow and mattress protectors will also assist in increasing the lifespan and longevity of your bedroom items. Changing your linen regularly, as well as leaving a window open to get air moving through your bedroom are some easy ways to maintain the quality of your mattress and pillows.

If your mattress is a spring mattress, we’d recommend turning it around every month or so for the first six months, and then once every quarter after that. This allows for even weight distribution throughout the mattress, meaning you’ll be getting the most use out of your purchase.

Put a new mattress to the test and visit us at one of our 4 mattress stores across Victoria. If you’re not sure where to start, have a look at our mattresses online for sizes, feel, and comfort layers.

Chiropedic versus Posturepedic mattresses

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What’s the difference?

chiropedic vs posturepedic

What’s the difference between Chiropedic and Posturepedic mattresses?.

Similar names. Different mattresses. You’ll probably only purchase a handful of mattresses in your lifetime, so we understand that you may not know the difference between Chiropedic and Posturepedic mattresses.

The main difference between Chiropedic and Posturepedic mattresses is that they are different products made by difference brands. Posturepedic mattresses are made by Sealy with a patented spring and comfort layer system. Chiropedic mattresses feature a range of different materials to provide many mattress options.

Do you seek a better sleep? Visit your local Chiropedic store and find the right mattress for you.

What’s in a name?

The first step to learning the difference between Chiropedic and Posturepedic mattresses is by looking at their names. The difference is actually incredibly simple:

  • The term Posturepedic is the name for the spring system found in Sealy mattresses.
  • Chiropedic is our brand name of mattresses.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, we can have a look at the real difference between Chiropedic and Posturepedic mattresses. Full disclosure: we make Chiropedic mattresses, so there may be some bias in our favour. By the end of the article, you’ll see why.

Sleep quality


A good mattress is the foundation of great sleep. It’s also important for relaxing muscles, relieving tension, and supporting the head, neck, and back. Sleep quality is influenced by the following four factors:

  • Body support: Good mattresses will support all parts of the body, from head to toe; offering varying zones of support for body parts that require more or less.
  • Breathability: There’s nothing worse than hot, uncomfortable sleep. Mattresses absorb a lot of body heat, and need to have ways to expel this heat through materials.
  • Side support: Nobody should suffer a sagging mattress. This is doubly important on the sides, where rigidity is required to help you get in and out of bed.
  • Partner disturbance: Some mattresses minimise the movement you can feel when one partner moves around or gets up from bed, making it less likely to wake the other.

Both Posturepedic and Chiropedic mattresses offer different solutions to these four areas of sleep quality. There’s plenty of variety when it comes to mattresses, so the best way to find the right mattress is to test them out.

Spring systems


Spring systems are the main difference between Chiropedic and Posturepedic mattresses. They are also the most supportive part of your mattress. A good spring system can be the difference between sound sleeping and tossing and turning.

Posturepedic mattresses use inner spring coils made from titanium alloy. Sealy uses the same spring system for all mattresses, meaning that there’s not a great deal of variety on offer.

Chiropedic mattresses are designed to offer maximum support, and a variety of choice. We know that good sleep comes from personal preference. That’s why we have three unique spring systems to choose from. Each offers varying levels of comfort and support:

  • Chiro Coil is a value option that offers plenty of support.
  • Chiro Flex ES offers a higher level of zoned support, including additional side support.
  • Pocket Spring mattresses is the premium choice, offering the best support and no partner disturbance.

Comfort layer

natural latex sheet

Due to their solid, compact nature, sleeping on a bed of pure springs would be worse that sleeping on the cold ground. Thankfully, springs are only one part of the mattress. The comfort layers are an integral part of quality sleep.

Posturepedic mattresses feature a ComfortCore® range of comfort layers, made from a range of materials. While there are ComfortCore® Plus, and ComfortCore® Premium options, again, there’s not a lot of variety in their range.

Chiropedic mattresses have a huge variety of comfort layers to choose from. Coupled with our selection of pillow tops and spring systems, finding the best sleep is just a matter of dropping into one of our locations. You can choose from any of the following comfort layers:

What do I choose?

The only way to find the right mattress is by testing until you find the right fit. Before you do that, consider going with the brand with the most variety. Chiropedic mattresses offer a superior selection of mattresses that differ in size, feel, comfort layer, spring system, construction and value.

Finding the right mattress is as easy as visiting a Chiropedic store near you. For more information about our mattresses and other products, get in touch with our friendly team.

Why bamboo pillows are a great choice

a woman sleeping on a bamboo pillow

 While the right mattress is the starting place in caring for your spine while you sleep, your pillow plays an important role in ensuring that your neck is safely and comfortably supported. If you are in the market for a new pillow, remember that while price is important, you are going to be spending a lot of time resting your head on it. This means that you want to choose a pillow that will provide the best possible comfort for your budget. It’s just one reason why bamboo pillows have become such a popular choice. To help you make an informed decision when you purchase your next pillow, here are some of the pros and cons of a bamboo pillow:

What is a bamboo pillow made from?

Chiropedic’s bamboo pillows are made from quick release, pin-holed Visco Memory Foam with a removable and washable bamboo cover. The memory foam cushion has a plush feel that’s like sleeping on a cloud, providing pressure relief for head, neck and shoulders. The bamboo pillow cover is a thick, luxurious fabric with a silky feel. The silky, soft texture of the fabric comes from the bamboo fiber which is combined with other natural or synthetic threads to create the material.

Stay cooler and comfortable at night

Bamboo fabric is more efficient than cotton for wicking away moisture. The soft, natural fibers offer an advantage over synthetic fibers with breathability that provides comfort to a warm sleeper. Inside the bamboo cover, the Visco Memory foam cushion allows easy airflow, making a bamboo pillow ideal for sleeping on warm or humid nights.

Reduce symptoms of allergies for better sleep

Bamboo is a natural material and is not exposed to many chemicals in processing. This means that the risk of an allergic reaction is much lower than with synthetic pillows. Bamboo pillows are less likely to accumulate dust mites, which are another common trigger for allergies. Many customers who had previously experienced difficulty sleeping due to allergies are getting a much better rest with a bamboo pillow. Bamboo may even be resistant to bacteria, due to a polymer called lignin which provides rigidity to the stalks of the bamboo plant. This is a highly desirable property in a fabric that rests against your head during the night.

Environment and sustainability

Bamboo is a sustainable resource, with fast-growing crops providing a ready source of raw material. It’s naturally harvested, so it doesn’t contain the pesticides and chemicals that may be found in cotton. The fabric is created using a natural process that uses few chemicals and is environmentally safe. (The Benefits of Bamboo Fabric: Soft, Sustainable, and Stylish — Better Goodness).

Caring for your bamboo pillow

A bamboo pillow is ideal for travel as the memory foam is light-weight and can be compressed right down and tucked into your luggage. Your bamboo pillow should be fluffed up regularly to ensure that the air pockets of the memory foam are opened up after being compressed during sleep. It’s a good idea to occasionally sit the pillow in the sun or use a dryer to remove any moisture that can accumulate in the pillow over time. You can tumble dry the pillow on low heat with dryer balls to restore its plumpness. Generally speaking, you should only machine wash the bamboo pillow when absolutely necessary.

Pros and cons of bamboo pillows

There are many pros to a bamboo pillow:

    • There are bamboo pillows to suit all sleeping styles
    • Ideal for sleeping in warm climates
    • Great for travel as it can be compressed
    • Easy to spot clean or remove and machine wash the cover
    • Sustainable and environmentally friendly production
    • Hypo-allergenic and antibacterial properties
    • Put it in the dryer to plump it up fast

Naturally, there are some cons too:

    • The memory foam centre is not easily machine washed
    • Pillows are a very personal choice and a bamboo pillow may not suit everyone
    • Memory foam pillows lose plumpness if stored in a compressed state for a long time

How do I choose the right pillow?

To choose the best pillow for the best nights sleep, you’ll want a new pillow that matches your sleeping style and meets your comfort needs. We generally recommend that back sleepers opt for a classic-shaped bamboo pillow to provide stable support for your head and neck. Side sleepers may be more comfortable on a contour-shaped bamboo pillow to provide cushioning for the space between your head and neck. If you sleep on your front or vary your position throughout the night, a memory foam pillow is able to conform to your position and provide suitable support for your spine. Shop online at Chiropedic and choose a bamboo pillow that fits within your budget and supports a healthy spine.